Fight Stock Tips

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Unsolicited stock tips via SMS and calls are a serious menace plaguing the stock broking industry. In addition to the annoyance, this illegal activity brings significant losses to investors who fall victim, and damage the capital market ecosystem.

We've been receiving an increasing number of reports from irate clients who incorrectly assume that we are complicit in leaking their phone numbers to unscrupulous tipsters. We don't. We've come to the understanding that this problem is not unique to us or our clients, but plagues the entire industry. We, along with other brokers and the regulatory bodies are working hard to curb this menace, but unfortunately, not much has come out of it.

What you can do

Reporting via SMS
  • Make sure you are registered on the TRAI DND. If not, you can register by sending "START 0" as an SMS to 1909.
  • If you receive an unsolicited stock tip via SMS or phone call, report the offending number to TRAI by SMSing it to 1909 in the format:
    unsolicited stock tip,the number you received it from,date

    For example: unsolicited stock tip,9800012312,01/06/2018

  • You can also report these calls and messages to NSE by sending an SMS to +918291833676.
Reporting via the TRAI App
  • You can also report these calls and messages using the Do Not Disturb (DND 2.0) app by TRAI. The app is available on Android and iOS.
  • Here are the steps to download the app and report the unsolicited calls and messages.