Certificate Issues

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Lost your Share Certificates / Dividend Certificates / Mutual Fund paper… Don’t worry we will assist you.

You can contact us in case you have the following query:

  • Dematerialisation of Securities, including issues related to–
    • Name Mismatch
    • Signature Mismatch
    • Change of Address
  • Lost/misplaced share certificate, how to obtain duplicate share certificate?
  • Shares/securities transferred to IEPF, how to recover from IEPF?
  • Unclaimed Dividend lying in IEPF.
  • Shares/securities held in ancestors name and procedure for transmission.
  • You are holding physical shares and mutual funds and company rejected your application of share transfer/dematerialisation and you are clueless as to what to do because of non-existence of companies, change of names or amalgamation, bonuses and split shares or any such benefits. Or you may be a perfect case of ‘invest and forget’ and lost track of your investments. Like many others, you are too finding it difficult to unlock your unclaimed investments.

Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!